Lorraine Reilly Millington

Visit Lorraine's Art Shop to buy her original paintings, limited edition prints and art cards directly online. Secure international postage available.

Lorraine Reilly Millington is an Irish artist and musician, Galway-born and based in Wells, Somerset, whose creative output across the board is built around contrasts: old meets new, dark and light, order versus disorder, the immense and the barely visible. Her recent paintings reflect the breathtaking enormity and undeniable, soaring beauty of Gothic architecture, as typified by Wells Cathedral, her work drawing out the character of these ancient interiors and contemplating their gravity-defying power and mysticism and the spirituality that resounds within the walls and ceilings themselves, irrespective of theology or particular belief systems. 

Subject to availability, you can purchase any of the above original acrylic paintings directly from Lorraine's Art Shop page, where you'll also find limited edition prints and greetings cards of each of the above works.